Chiropractic Palm Beach Gardens FL Dubarry Kish Chiropractic

Auto Injury in Palm Beach Gardens FL



Auto Injury in Palm Beach Gardens FL

Dubarry Kish Chiropractic
11211 Prosperity Farms Rd B #204
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410



We're seeing fantastic results helping people with the following:

  • Whiplash

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Tingling

  • Whiplash

  • Neck Pain

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Tingling

Have You Been In a Car Accident?

Do you have an auto injury in Palm Beach Gardens FL? There are on average over six million car accidents that occur in the U.S. each year. The great majority of car accidents are not fatal. They can be as simple as a 5-mph rear impact that puts a scratch on your bumper. What's interesting is that some of the most detrimental long-term injuries occur from those low-speed impacts.

Chiropractor Palm Beach Gardens FL Ryan Kish

DR. Ryan Kish, DC

  • The Common Path

    After an auto accident there are some people that never seek treatment and others that go to a general medical practitioner. For those that do go to a medical doctor most are sent home and told to use ice and take pain meds.

    The doctor giving advice in most cases is not trained in how to look for the issues that can happen in a motor vehicle accident. They mean well but end up sending the patient home without a proper examination or treatment protocols.

  • A Better Path for Auto Injuries

    If you or someone you know has been in an auto accident it's very important to be evaluated as soon as possible, by a qualified chiropractor. A proper exam and evaluation can mean the difference between a life of pain or a successful outcome. If you have questions about how chiropractic care can benefit you, please contact our team today.

New Patient Special

Complimentary Consultation

Auto Injury Relief

Unfortunately, many people believe that the most serious injuries sustained following car accidents are immediately noticeable. There is also a misconception that only high speed or hard impact collisions can cause serious damage to a person's body. It has been found that these two beliefs are largely responsible for the vast number of injuries that fail to receive treatment following automobile collisions. Therefore, the first thing to remember when making the decision to seek appropriate care is to understand that a large number of injuries can occur following many different types of collisions.

Following a car accident, a person must keep in mind that many factors such as the placement of a car's headrest, the size of both automobiles involved in the collision, and the speed that they were traveling prior at impact all play an important role in determining the injuries sustained. To help understand this concept, it has been shown through research that a car traveling only 5 mph at the time of impact is capable of producing the forces necessary to cause whiplash injuries. While injuries such as fractures, cuts, concussions, and dislocations are immediately noticeable, other forms of damage to musculature, blood vessels, and nerves may not become evident for months or even years. Unfortunately, when these injuries become evident months and years down the road, insurance companies are often not held liable for reimbursement. Therefore it is important that you undergo a complete evaluation immediately following your accident by a health care professional familiar with these injuries. Your doctor at Dubarry Kish Chiropractic is here to help you in this process.


As mentioned previously, chiropractors are one of the few primary health care providers who specialize in treating the musculoskeletal system. Just as a person consults with a cardiologist for concerns about their heart, many people seek care and advice from chiropractors regarding musculoskeletal injuries. While whiplash injuries are not always immediately evident, they are actually considered one of the most common injuries sustained during car accidents. The strain that the forces causing whiplash injuries place on the spine is capable of causing damage to the muscles, ligaments, and nerves responsible for supporting your head and neck. If these seemingly minor injuries are not corrected, they often produce a waterfall effect leading to multiple neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms. In fact, it has been found that whiplash injuries are often responsible for early degeneration of the vertebrae throughout your spine, as well as a multitude of symptoms such as pain and headaches. Since automobile injuries can involve many systems throughout the body, finding a doctor who is able to address each area is important. Our team at Dubarry Kish Chiropractic in Palm Beach Gardens will create an individualized treatment plan that encompasses chiropractic adjustments, active and passive physical therapy, exercise programs, and possibly nutritional modifications to help speed up the recovery process.

As you can see, seeking care immediately after an automobile accident in a Palm Beach Gardens FL can mean the difference between recovery and a lifetime of pain. If you have been in a car accident or know someone who has, please contact our team at Dubarry Kish Chiropractic as soon as possible to schedule a consultation.

Chiropractic Palm Beach Gardens FL Auto Injury Whiplash

New Patient Special

Complimentary Consultation